In 2018-19 Melville's Marginalia Online and Boise State University's Hemingway Literary Center observed the bicentennial of the birth of Herman Melville (1819-1891) with the invited lectures available below. To keep informed of upcoming events and video feeds, follow the project's social networking streams at left.
Steven Olsen-Smith (Boise State University and The United States Air Force Academy), introduced by Cheryl Hindrichs
"White Whale Rising: Source-Origins and Artistry in Moby-Dick"
March 15, 2019
Delivered at Boise State University for the Hemingway Literary Center and Melville's Marginalia Online
Michael Sawyer (Colorado College and The United States Air Force Academy), introduced by Steven Olsen-Smith
"The Discourse of Race in the Art of Herman Melville"
February 8, 2019
Delivered at Boise State University for the Hemingway Literary Center and Melville's Marginalia Online
Christopher Ohge (University of London), introduced by Steven Olsen-Smith
"Reading Melville, and Melville's Reading, with Computers"
November 2, 2018
Delivered at Boise State University for the Hemingway Literary Center and Melville's Marginalia Online
Geoffrey Sanborn (Amherst College), introduced by Steven Olsen-Smith
"The Value of Herman Melville"
October 5, 2018
Delivered at Boise State University for the Hemingway Literary Center and Melville's Marginalia Online
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